Final School Board Approval Process

Once the Construction Drawing set is complete, it’s time to submit the drawings for approval.

Stamp of Approval

Once the Construction Drawing set is complete, it’s time to submit the drawings for approval.

These drawings will be reviewed by the local school government. In Vancouver, the Vancouver School Board (VSB) will be responsible for reviewing the construction drawings, requesting changes as needed, and ultimately providing sign off. We recommend that you maintain close communication with the school board or authority throughout the process.

In some cases, the project will have been initiated by the school board itself, with the PAC being notified that aging or damaged equipment needs to be replaced or that significant renovations to the school and schoolyard will be taking place. If the project is being initiated by the PAC, it is critical that the school board be notified at an early phase, ideally when you are forming your team. This will make the process of securing approval smoother for everyone involved.

You can only move on to the build phase after approval is granted.