A must for navigating grade changes in any accessible schoolyard, ramps can also double as exciting play features. The ramp at SFU UniverCity Childcare has become a popular play feature, allowing children to practice their tricycle riding skills. In addition, it is also possible to create a freestanding ramp structure that functions as a play environment, like Carve’s wood and poured rubber design. When designing a ramp, take into consideration local building codes and think about different creative design measures. Should the ramp curve, or be straight? What kinds of exciting colours or materials can be used? Can planting be incorporated into the slope adjacent to the ramp?
Categories: Stairs and Ramps
Play Value
- Kindergarten to Grade 2
- Grades 3 to 5
- Grades 6 and Up
- All Ages
Green Value




Creative Play


Social Play

Learning Opportunities